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Health & Safety Policy Statement

Health & Safety at Work Act 1974

Our statement of general policy is to ensure that:

  • The health and safety risks arising from our work activities are controlled adequately
  • Employees, sub contractors and clients are consulted on health and safety matters
  • Plant and equipment is safe to use and properly maintained
  • Hazardous substances are handled safely
  • Information, instruction and supervision is provided where required
  • Employees, sub contractors and clients are competent to undertake their work
  • Accidents and cases of work related ill health are prevented
  • Safe and healthy working conditions are maintained
  • This policy is reviewed and revised as necessary and at regular intervals

Employees, sub contractors and clients shall:

  • Co-operate on health and safety matters
  • Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety
  • Take reasonable care of their own health and safety
  • Report any health and safety concerns to an appropriate person


Overall and final responsibility for health and safety policy is that of the directors.

Day to day responsibility for ensuring that this policy is observed may be delegated to a named individual.