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Bridge Monitoring

London Olympic Games Equestrian Venue Bridge Monitoring Survey

Bridge Monitoring Survey Target

SetPoint provided the dimensional control and bridge monitoring survey services for the London Olympic Games Equestrian Venue.

Supporting steelwork was erected upon temporary foundations on either sides of the roads and the survey engineer ensured the correct alignment of the mountings for the bridges.

The bridges were lifted into position during overnight road closures and they all located onto their mountings without any issues.

Due to the temporary nature of the foundations, the bridges were required to be monitored for possible settlement during the course of the Olympic Games.

The monitoring survey was carried out using a Leica TPS1200 series instrument with reflective survey targets fixed to key locations on the bridges. This enabled the survey engineer to carry out the monitoring survey at regular intervals and from a distance far enough to not cause any disruption to the visitors.

Survey data was processed during the course of each site visit and delivered directly to the client.

Contact us today to discuss your monitoring survey needs